Climate resilient riparian system grants

The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded Ecology funds through Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Puget Sound Recovery National Program Office to develop a grant program aimed and facilitate subaward of these funds toward improving the climate resiliency of riparian systems in Puget Sound. The grant program is a partnership coalition between Ecology,  Washington State Conservation Commission, and Bonneville Environmental Foundation to promote innovative, sustainable, reach-scale approaches to riparian management. Over $17 million dollars will be directed into activities and programs that increase the amount of riparian acreage protected, restored, or maintained for climate resiliency.


The Climate Resilient Riparian Systems program focuses on protecting and restoring riparian areas in Puget Sound that have been damaged or are struggling to support plants, animals, and waters. The new program will use innovative approaches to work with communities and landowners aimed at improving riparian system functions at a reach or watershed scale. Funding will be distributed via grants to partner organizations throughout the eligible watersheds shown below and will expire in 2030. 

Map showing eligible water resource inventory areas one through nineteen

A map of the Puget Sound showing WRIA's eligible for grant funding through the Climate Resilient Riparian Systems grant program.

Climate Resilient Riparian Systems funded projects will focus on: 

  • A collaborative, reach-scale approach
  • Restoring riparian systems  
  • Building local capacity to do the work 
  • Riparian restoration climate resiliency research 
  • Incentives for voluntary riparian restoration involving private landowners 
  • Protecting riparian systems 
  • Maintaining existing riparian restoration projects 

Projects may include trying a new landowner incentive program, researching effectiveness of restoration activities, and creative ideas for collaborative efforts with multiple partners.

About our partners

To restore riparian systems throughout Puget Sound, we are working in partnership with the Washington State Conservation Commission and Bonneville Environmental Foundation. We are also collaborating with private and public landowners, and coordinating with local and Trbial governments, and other state and federal agencies. Working together, we are striving to solve some of the biggest challenges facing the region's waterways. .

Investing in local knowledge

To gather input on developing our riparian restoration program, we consulted with Tribes, salmon recovery groups and watershed forums. Our investment plan and funding priorities are based on their feedback as well as traditional knowledge about improving riparian systems resiliency. 

How to apply

Please review our Grant & Loans web page for more information on how to apply. Applicants should review all solicitation documents on the application webpage, including the funding guidelines and evaluation criteria, to give the application the best opportunity for success. Technical assistance is available to applicants to support the development of their project proposals via office hours, webinars and video recordings. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Ecology staff with questions.